Alcohol vs. Marijuana in America | Infographic by EJ Fox September 24, 2015 – Posted in: Uncategorized – Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Marijuana and Alcohol are common drugs in North America, their ease of production making them inexpensive and readily available across the globe. This accessibility and popularity often leads to the two being compared, despite their apparent differences. While Weed and Booze cannot be compared directly in a one to one manner, their effects on society and user health can be quantified, then compared.

As Marijuana’s role in society evolves, so will the laws and regulations surrounding its consumption and use.

Marijuana is noted for it’s medical properties now in more places than ever before. Modern medicine’s acknowledgement of these attributes should further aid in decoupling the association of Cannabis and Alcohol.


Infographics by EJ Fox.